Lions of Nemea

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This page is currently under construction and shouldn't be taken as canon while this notice is on it.

Claiming descent from the Ultramarines, the Lions of Nemea are an obscure Astartes chapter first sighted in the Prosperitas Sector in late 594. Crashing into the void-war above Helaerus with a handful of smaller vessels, they brought unlooked-for aid to turn the defence of the besieged planet from a bloody defeat into a grinding stalemate, causing massive damage to Regency forces.

Since the battle of Helaerus, the Lions' strike-teams have appeared in warzones across the Sector, striking swiftly and then fading before they can be thanked for their aid. The Chapter seems to be everywhere and nowhere. Coordination with Crusade High Command is minimal, and the location of the Chapter's flag or headquarters is unknown; all the grateful forces of the Imperium can say is that the Astartes seem to appear where they are most needed - and then vanish.

This habit persisted through the Silence, with their raids against the Archenemy continuing apparently unabated while Crusade and Regency forces alike seemed stilled. The same vessels were apparently reported in several different systems, leading many among the Inquisition to speculate that the ‘Chapter’ has some degree of understanding of how to navigate the local Webway, unhindered by the Silence.

A Lions corvette broadcasting the unusual ident Òran na h-Eala appeared in orbit over Nivalis in 597.M41, stopping the Regency assault in its tracks and widely credited with saving the Cathedral District and planetary capital from archenemy attack.

Notably, the Lions seem to studiously avoid warfronts where the savage reavers of the Void Hounds chapter are deployed. Either through rivalry or some unknown history it seems the Lions are in no rush to meet their fellow Astartes on the battlefield, or otherwise. As a result, they are found most often around Cerastes and Hydros Salients, aiding the forces of Admiral Ridea Holz.