The Void Hounds
Trierarch lyssasménos Skýlos
An Imperial Fists successor chapter normally deployed in the Juno Oversector in Segmentum Solar, the Void Hounds joined Hermione Durovera on her triumphant return to the Sector in late 593.M41. The presence of the powerful Astartes allowed the Lady-Captain to seize control of the capital - and, shortly, the Sector's crown - with little resistance. The only organisation to object was the Adeptus Arbites, who delivered formal censure of the Lady-Captain for her breach of the normal legal process - but made no firmer resistance, and have confined their forces on Duroverum to Precinct-Fortresses.
The void reavers have been quartered at and above Duroverum ever since, sending occasional security patrols into the dark underhives to suppress resistance. They have an ill-omened and brutal reputation, and maintain a degree of threat on the surface, effectively suppressing any hint of resistance.
According to rumour heard by Inquisition agents, the Void Hounds' Battle-Barge was recalled to Holy Terra prior to mid-597.M41, stranding them in the Prosperitas Sector, by order of the Ecclesiarch himself.