Astronavigational Information

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Like much of the galactic void, the vast majority of the Prosperitas Sector consists of empty space and dull, lifeless rocks holding little interest to the Imperium. The sheer size of an Imperial Sector, however, means that despite this it is still home to countless billions flung across a myriad of planets, moons, asteroids, ships and space stations. These are spread out over an unimaginably large expanse, with particlar worlds or regions playing host to a dversity of different activities - sanctioned or not.

Traversing Imperial space is not a trivial task, requiring enormous amounts of time in realspace under conventional power, or the assistance of a Navigator to travel through the Warp - with all of the risks that that entails.

The Subsectors

The sector is divided into four subsectors: Primus, Secundus, Tertius and Tenebris.

Subsector Primus: home to the sector's capital, Duroverum, which acts as the seat of the Sector Governor, and has born the least of the brunt of Archenemy incursions into Imperial Space. [blah blah more info please]

Subsector Secundus: [blah blah]

Subsector Tertius: [blah blah blah]

Subsector Tenebris: formerly known as Subsector Quartus, the subsector was ravaged by an event known as the Lash of the Eye in 304.M41. [blah blah blah blah]

Regions of the Sector

Aside from the subsector divisions, there are specific areas of the sector that are notable for one reason or another.

The Rimward Marches: a vast region of the Prosperitas Sector not yet conquered by Imperial Forces. Beyond it lies the Lightless Gulf, where there are few stars for a considerable stretch of space. The region is a haven of scum and villainy: many remnant forces of the Regency retreated here, and it is the location of many untamed worlds including the suspected homeworld of the parasitic xenos known as the Thri'qun.

The Nemean Gulf: along the spinward edge of the Prosperitas Sector lies a vast region of unexplored space known as the Nemean Gulf. This region stretches for lightyears of uncharted void encompassing an area wide enough to contain several sectors, before eventually at the far side meeting the trailing edge of the Piscina Sector. Encompassing a vast number of worlds, from the Red Worldz of the Orks to the Graveyard at the Rimward edge where the Shavasti nomads are often found, the Gulf remains the most untouched region of the Sector.

The Tenebris Arm: part of a massive Warp rift and permanent Warp Storm nearly twenty thousand light years across known as the Eye of Terror, or Ocularis Terribus, the Prosperitas Sector orbits this storm impaled upon a reaching tendril, known as the Tenebris Arm, that spears into the eponymously named Subsector Tenebris and claims it with madness.

The Ættin Heima: a vast collection of worlds within the edge of the roiling warp-storm known as the Eye of Terror. Once a part of Subsector Tertius, they were conquered by tribes from the Eye. Given their immersion within the edge of the storm, dealing with this threat presents a serious challenge for the Imperium.

The Wake: [blah blah description here]

Trade Routes

The Trade Routes of the sector present vital lifelines for citizens and resources to track their way through the perils of the sector. Considered of the utmost importance, the Imperial Navy ensures that they remain open at all costs.

The Sol-Prosperitas Passage: the route blazed by Warmaster Durovera I when she first founded the Prosperitas Sector, the Sol-Prosperitas Passage remains vital for the sector's survival. The Warp tides are treacherous, but offer an unrivalled fast passage from the Prosperitas Sector through to the upper reaches of the trade-lanes into the Segmentum Solar and Sol itself.

The Cadian Corridor: forged by House Majid, the Cadian Corridor is a narrow passage of calm space that runs perilously close to the edge of the Eye and is heavily ravaged by pirates and raiders. Vital to the sector's economy, the corridor allows Prosperitas to feed the hungry fortresses of the Cadian Sector.

The Iron Stair: winding upwards from the galactic plane from the Forges of Castellum and Naximus Prime, the Iron Stair was once a rich trade route. With the Ork devastation of Persephon, the death of Caudica Secundus and Rebellion on Mawson's Wake, these have left the Rimward arm of this trade route quite poorly used, and many of the worlds along its path neglected.

The Prosperitas Trade Spine: named the 'Spine' for its vital role in supplying the majority of the major worlds of the Prosperitas Sector not already serviced by the Sol-Prosperitas Passage, the Trade Spine is currently under the control of House Di Firro who use it to support their House expeditions into the Rimward Marches.

Types of World

There is a large number of different kinds of world to be found within the sector.

For a detailed description of these, please go the Types of World page which explains them in more detail. Some of these are not currently found in Prosperitas.

Here is a brief rundown:

Agri-World: dedicated to crop and livestock production, primarily as a food source.

Armoury World: directly controlled by the Departmento Munitorum for the storage of armaments.

Cemetary World: given over to caring for the remains of the Imperial dead.

Civilised World: not dedicated to any specific purpose, though loyal to the Imperium.

Dead World: devoid of an ecosystem, atmosphere or native life.

Death World: inhospitable to human life due to its environment or biosphere.

Feral World: home to hunter gatherer, early agricultural or nomadic societies, under minimal influence from the Imperium.

Feudal World: home to pre-industrial societies, under little influence from the Imperium.

Forge World: directly controlled by the Adeptus Mechanicus for machine manufacture.

Fortress World: a bastion in the defence of the Imperium against outside threats.

Frontier World: at the fringes of the Imperium, and usually lacking an effective planetary government.

Garden World: dedicated to being a cultured retreat for the Imperial nobility (and others who can afford to pay).

Hive World: densely populated with hive cities, and home to the Imperium's workforce.

Industrial World: dedicated to heavy industry or resource extraction.

Knight World: home to Imperial Knights, and in the demesne of either the Imperium or the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Penal World: a prison planet, with a population primarily consisting of criminals.

Quarantined World: off-limits to contact with Imperial citizens.

Shrine World: dedicated to the Imperial Cult, frequently under the direct control of the Ecclesiarchy.

Space Marine Chapter Homeworld: directly controlled by a chapter of the Adeptus Astartes for use as a base.

There are also a variety of space stations, battlegroups and independent vessels throughout the sector that serve as permanent homes to millions of citizens - of varying levels of loyalty to the Imperium.

Worlds of the Prosperitas Sector

Subsector Primus

Asteroid 24334-1: a luxurious asteroid colony, the seat of the Chartist House Globex.

Carthusia: a wet, humid planet with a high water table, Carthusia is a prosperous Imperial world favoured as a tourist destination by the wealthy of Subsector Primus.

Subsector Secundus

Subsector Tertius

Subsector Tenebris