Medical Treatment (Medicae & Chirugeons)
Power Tests
Several traits and abilities request that a character performs a Power Test - this is a test with a 25% chance of failure. In the case of Medical characters this MUST be taken at the end of 30s of Triage to identify if a Complication Card should be drawn.
First Aid
All characters in DuD are treated as being capable enough to aid someone who is obviously bleeding, and of administering Chems at the direction of a Medicae or Chirurgeon. This is represented by the First Aid ability.
A Medicae or Chirurgeon can perform Triage on a patient.
- Triage requires 30 seconds of Medical Roleplay, followed by a Power Test.
- A character’s bleed count is paused while undergoing Triage. If interrupted, the bleed count resumes.
- If the Power Check is passed, call Get it Together.
- If the Check is failed then draw a card from the Complications Deck, read it and show it to the patient.
- If a card tells you to discard it, treat the test as a Pass.
- A character with an ongoing Complication is considered Bloodied. Their death count is paused and reset to 0 unless they take damage or a Complication says otherwise.
- You must pick an option from the card to resolve the Complication in order for the character to be returned to a healthy state, this is called Surgery.
Roleplaying Surgery
- The Complication card will guide you in the type and duration of Surgery roleplay you must perform.
- Some cards allow Quick Fixes - these can be accomplished by any Medicae or Chirurgeon, get a patient up on their feet or keep them stable, but usually at a penalty.
- Some cards allow Medicae Interventions - these are straightforward and can be accomplished by any Medicae or Chirurgeon.
- Some cards require Proper Procedures - these can only be performed by a Chirurgeon in a Medbay.
- If a surgery card does not specify a duration, it takes at least 1 minute to complete.
- You must give your patient a dose of Opia to remain still, otherwise you should prompt them to thrash and roleplay extreme pain.
- When you have completed surgery, you may call Get it Together unless the Surgery option you have chosen says otherwise.
Medbays allow Chirurgeons to resolve Complications with Proper Procedures. They also allow Chirurgeons to attempt more complex procedures with Game Team approval, such as installation of Bionics or conducting Autopsies.
A Medbay is defined as a well equipped medical facility such as a small surgery or a field hospital. Medbays are set up as part of the game environment and in some cases may be deliberately absent to present a challenge to players. A medbay is usable as such if an Officio Medicae Banner is set up in the environment by the Game Team or if the Game Team tells you otherwise.
It is possible for players to bring their own Field Hospital setups with Game Team approval. You must have your own Officio Medicae Banner to set up. You may ONLY set up the banner after getting approval from a member of the Game Team that your medbay is ready to take casualties.
The Medical Complications Deck
The Medical Complications Deck consists of 48 cards, with effects of varying severity and danger. Players should check the Rules Downloads page shortly before each event to confirm they are still using the most up to date version.