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The Polarnus Nebula has begun to be cleared of debris, since the siege was broken; vast trawler vessels armed with the most powerful secrets of motive force and magnetism sweep the voidlanes for drifting mines and wreckage, clearing safe sailing routes for her vessels. There has been no great time pressure - until now. Without explanation, Admiral Chandier’s schedule for clearance of the voidlanes accelerated - providing a very firm deadline for when, exactly, the spinward jump corridor would be clear.
- Shrine World of the Ecclesiarchy (Non-Compliant cit ref. Temple of the Saviour Emperor)
- Prosperitas Sector
- 595.M41'''

''Smoke drifted through the air of the Cathedral City of Nivalis fires burned in the Pilgrim camps, the screams of the nonbelievers, of the bootlickers who still clung to the faith in the cowed dogs of the Ecclesiarchy did not carry this far, but they were there they knew it.
The vessels that jumped into that newly cleared-and-secured lane initially occasioned little notice. A Lunar cruiser group from Hydros Salient was a little out of her patrol range, but everyone in the fleet cycles through Polarnus eventually. Sola Fidei, Hydros Salient. Salvation’s Fire, Hydros Salient. Her escorts: Vixen, Purifying Flame, Golden Raptor, Pathfinder… Then - slightly different idents, but unmistakable flying in formation - some of them quietly familiar to those who were here after the siege of Polarnus, and saw another handful of vessels under very different colours. St Jaghatai’s Arrow. Seeker of Truth. Lord’s Confidence. Storm Chaser.

Templar Roan did not revel in their suffering; the flame was a method of purifying them of their corruption by the false-Priesthood a method of correcting their souls for following the false teachings of the Arch-Heretic Thor. There was no pleasure to be taken in the death of those who believed in the God-Emperor - but where they refused to follow the True, there was little hope but to consign them to the flame, and pray that the God-Emperor would know his own.
In the middle of the pack, a light cruiser - a light cruiser, central to the formation as if the vast twin Lunars were her escorts; diminutive, slender, battered beyond belief, with almost no paint on her hull and drives held on with crooked weld-lines and prayer. The Lex Talionis: flying the fleet colours of Warmaster Ulian.
And then behind them - breaching warp in the grip of three jump-tenders - the vast bulk of an Emperor-class battleship, gliding serenely between her escorts; almost no power in her drives, clearly open to void down much of her length - but with enough lights to give her name - the Lion of Terra.

Their power armour hissed as they ascended the stairs of the Great Temple towards the Archimandrites quarters; it had been venerable Crusader armour once, when they had been forced to hide their true faith but now the false icons of the Ecclesiarchy had been excised from it, and the marks of the Temple adorned the battlescarred plates instead.  
The sailors sent sprinting to warn this dignitary or that of this development were mostly met by confusion and consternation and the sudden flurry of preparation for great events - save in three very specific quarters. Admiral Denita Chandier raised an eyebrow at the aide who breathlessly reported in and glanced at the clock to check their timing, before rising to put on the dress uniform coat hanging ready to one side. In the Omega-levels of the restored Blacksite, Inquisitor-Militant Corvinus gestured the agent delivering the report back out almost as soon as they had opened their mouth, already mid-call to his Interrogators aboard the impromptu escort fleet. And on her bridge, Warmaster Khan leaned forward a little, the piercing eyes of her flagship’s augurs turned to confirming every last scrap of ident code and authorisation bleeding off the ships just now entering her firing arcs.

They approached the doors to the Archimandrite’s chambers where two Chantry Guards of the Fidelis Templar stood watch; they watched Roan approach cautiously and carefully - no chances were being taken about the Archimandrite’s security - the Ecclesiarchy would send forces to claim his head, and as one of the True he had to be protected.
By the time the Lex entered dock, appropriate crowds had been assembled from the sailors and guard aboard the station - the ones who had been issued dress kit and marshalled to polish it to a shine or found their duties overturned in favour of parade drills in the handful of days before. The more presentable civilians had been turned out as well, providing a crowd for the holo-audiences at home to identify with, the Officio Propogandae working at full pelt to corral and prompt them for the cameras as they waited.

They had titled him ‘Heresiarch’ mocking the ambitions of the Temple to restore the correct power structure of the Imperium to the handles of the Temple and not this weak and pathetic ‘Ecclesiarchy’ that served the political needs of the nobility.
The roar of engines, at last; an Aquila lander, newly painted in Imperial purple and with her gold wing-tips burnished to a shine, detached from the ship’s vast bulk and entered the bay, setting down with perfect precision in front of the gathered ranks of the Imperial forces. The ramp extended, and out stepped a small, slightly stooped man - the kind might call him spry - in a very, very old-fashioned uniform. The deafening sound of the fanfare echoing through the chamber, the stamp of thousands of boots coming to attention - one might expect such a fragile figure to jump.

But Roan knew the Archimandrite was blessed, it was he who had led Roan and other Templars to the Archenemy-infested Space Hulk above Nivalis, it was he who had retrieved the bones of Saint Nafisa from those who wished to defile them. No Ecclesiastic lapdog had achieved that, not even the cursed enforcers of Thors will the Adepta Sororitas had done that, instead preferring to oppose the True.
Instead, his back straightened, and with a slight smile he returned the salute of the guards who had hurried forward to the base of the ramp.

“He has not emerged today, Templar…” one intoned, “I do not think you will get your audience today either.
“I’ve always liked coming back to Polarnus,” he chuckled to one of them, who all but swallowed his tongue in working out how to respond - and then the man in a Warmaster’s dress blues was past him. A grey-haired aide, sharp-eyed and with one shoulder still bandaged, stepped forward to take the old man’s cane as he, thoughtful, handed it off, checking his steadiness and concluding he did not need it; another assistant, in a pilot’s uniform, murmured something to draw his attention to the welcoming party across the bay. They followed at his heels as he set off down the wide corridor left between the welcoming regiments, as the figure on the large screens was recognised by the crowds and the cheering began.

Roan nodded their head, “The Archimandrite must leave his contemplation, the Temple needs his guidance; I ask again as I have asked other days, you must allow me to disturb him.
Four figures served as an honour guard, forming a neat box around the old man and his two assistants, as he made his way, smiling, past the crowd; two Captains and two Flag-Captains in Naval blue, falling back to form a tidy line at attention when the Warmaster reached the last flight of steps and climbed onto the dais to meet the Warmaster waiting there, flanked by the station’s commander and the brooding figure of the Inquisitor-Militant. Quite what the old man said to Sarina Khan as he offered her a salute was lost in the roar of the crowd; but it brought a brief smile to her lips as she returned the compliment, and then - with great ceremony - offered the old Warmaster an arm to escort him safely to the command decks of the station.

And as he had done every day before, the Chantry Guard who had spoken repeated the same response to their request, “The Archimandrite has requested to be disturbed by no authority higher than the God-Emperor himself, Templar - we will not let you pass.”


He knelt by the casket, his heavy robes discarded to the floor, his withered form bare save for a simple smock over the extensive bionics that allowed his old bones to function, Ignatius Grulge, Archimandrite of the Temple of the Saviour Emperor...Heresiarch to the Ecclesiarchy… prayed over the open casket. Open sores on his hands bled, the trickles of crimson running down his creased flesh at first after touching the bones of the Saint he had wondered if the interior of the casket was irradiated - that would have been an amusing if ignoble end, to survive in hiding for over a hundred years only to be slain by rad-poisoning from his unconscious desire to touch the bones of the Saint.

Nafisa had been no ally in life, a Soror he had been glad to be rid of in truth, her passing and the rise of the more immediately foolish Dinah had been the opening he had needed to manipulate the Canoness into aiding his rise in this Sector. But she had been gifted, and the blessings of the Emperor had been visible in her daily life.

What had scarred him lay on the floor beside the coffin, a shining polished storm shield inset with a crystalline Aquila that had glowed with a radiant light when they had first found it. The Rock of Prosperitas, it was called, a name for the shield and the crystal like it was dull now, since he had touched it and it had burned his hands.
The Sister Pronatus sat back on her heels, hissing under her breath; stood and backed carefully away from the casket sitting in the centre of the concentric rings of salt and silver banding the room. She did not take her eyes off the thing, even when she half-turned her body to press a fist to her heart in salute to the shadow that waited in the doorway.

He could hear the voices outside of the chamber: Roan had come to take him to see the petitioners again for the sixth day running; he admired their persistence. He was about to rise when the pain shot though his mind and his eyes were blinded by the light, the flickering golden colours - did he imagine those? The ‘storm’ - as he had taken to think of them - wracked his brain as he futilely attempted to cover his ears as the Voice pounded into his mind deafening, despite everything.
“The wards are - intact, Inquisitor. Some are broken, but something - and from the number of scratches I can guess at what - did its best to look as if it had been breaching the containment, without actually doing so.

“I don’t understand, my Lord! Please! I wish to follow your direction! I...we...are your Sword that will bring down the Ivory Tower and restore your Imperium to the rule of the righteous. Please!he cried out to nothing as the voice ripped though his mind… only this time was different. He listened, ignoring his suffering he listened, panting and sweating as the voice wracked his mind.
“Presumably to try and ensure someone would open the box to check.” A hiss and click of valves punctuated the statement, the voice buzzing with the static of synthesis. “But we are clear that it was kept secure?”

He listened… and heard what he needed to hear… before he collapsed panting onto all fours, his bionics whining in protest. A manic grin spread across his features as Archimandrite Ignatius Grulge heard the Voice of his God-Emperor… and he knew… what must be done.
“Yes, Inquisitor. The locks are undamaged, and the tamper-proofing indicates it was not handled unduly; well within parameters; primarily touched by known acolytes and agents.”
“Good. Do what you can to stabilise it further.” Another brief, staticky pause. “Without touching it. And no-one - no-one - is to enter this chamber alone.

“Your will, Inquisitor.” The Sister listened to the soft hum of grav-impellers departing and squared her shoulders, baring her teeth at the inert sarcophagus she still had not taken her eyes from.
“Templar, I must insist that you return tomorrow, there is nothing to be said that will permit you passage into the Archimandrites chambers, that is his will and he is of the True.”
Roan had been about to leave when the doors to the Archimandrites chambers opened to the outside, the withered form of the Leader of the Temple emerging adorned in robes of state, his eyes bright and shining with the fire of a far younger man than himself,
“My dearest Templar…” his smile was wide, “Come, come, take me to see the faithful, I will answer their prayers just as mine have been answered to.”
“I…” Roan was taken aback as the Cardinal swept past them and down the stairs, the Fidels Templar recovering and rushing after him to fall in as his personal protection detail, “My Lord, your prayers, you have had a sign, from the God-Emperor?”
“Better than that, Templar, I have heard His voice! I know His plan for us, I know that we have taken the righteous path…”
Roan was still processing this miracle when the Cardinal swept into the Audience chamber of the Great Temple, there some hundred or more Priests and Fidelis Militia clamoured for attention held back by a wall of Chantry Guard as Grulge took to the daise and waved his hands beneficiently to the assembled throng for silence, “Friends… friends, honoured devotees of the Temple… calm… I have kept you waiting but I shall attend to all your queries” he nodded to Roan, “let them approach.

They looked at him, “My Lord, all of them but your security…”
“Let them approach, Roan,” Grulge smiled, “There are none here who will bring me harm…”


Roan watched as  hundreds of petitioners filed before the Archimandrite, Grulge saw to everyone personally, though the small hoard of scribe-servitors behind him recorded the petitions for his later recall.

Grulge smiled as another Priest approached - this one he did not recognise, they had a face that could be anywhere, but still he treated them as any other permitting them to kiss his rings, before he glanced down and blinked slowly… where once a wizened priest was, skin sloughed and tightened around feminine features.
=== Gazetteer VIII - The Old Warmaster ===

She had been found alone on a void station surrounded by the dead. They had taken her to Terra, shaped her, trained her within their Hidden Temples to be a killer. She had taken many names in her life, but only one was true… Callidus, her Temple, her calling.

At her wrist, a deadly blade sprung to life, glowing energy emerging from her gauntlet as she twisted the blade about and drove it for the apostate’s heart; she had studied his biology, knew the correct path though his augmetics to ensure she pierced that most vital organ.  
Warmaster Dragos Ulian - lost during the Lash of the Eye that destroyed Subsector Tenebris centuries ago - has been found, miraculously returned from the Warp alongside his flagship. Credit has gone largely to the Imperial Navy, whose expedition against a notorious pirate stronghold led to his recovery - but the Inquisitor-Militant’s presence at the welcome plus the well-oiled fleet rumour mill have made clear to keen-eyed observers that the Inquisition’s guiding hand played a role.

The apostate smiled at her, serene… calm… her blade stopped, inches from his flesh the tip screeching against some unknown force. Impossible! No field in the Imperium could protect against a phase-blade... and yet… and yet bright light coalesced  around the hand that at interposed itself between her blade aimed at him. He smiled, serene, and spoke,
The sailors and veterans who escorted the Warmaster home - Alexis Jacobin, Rijeka Aden, Kavi Monroe, Charon Di Firro, Francis Pyke and Lance Durovera - have briefly been inundated with the attention of the Officio Propogandae in relation to the man who has now been acknowledged as the Sector’s Warmaster-Emeritus, and settled in to act as an advisor, morale ambassador, and - the politically minded may note - lack of threat to the new-minted Warmaster Sarina Khan.

“The God-Emperor has a task for me to complete, Assassin. I will not be your martyr yet…”
The news of Ulian’s return has energised the Crusade - very specifically and most of all, the Imperial Navy. The rescue of a sailor lost so long at Warp is a miracle beyond reckoning to the Battlefleet; all the moreso that those who recovered him brought home not only his ship, but the names of hundreds of vessels now confirmed to have died in the Lash of the Eye, painstakingly logged by the Lex Talionis and reported to fleet command. In the religious views of Battlefleet Prosperitas, that means they are no longer ‘still on patrol’; they - and all the souls lost aboard them - can be given funerals and accorded the honours and prayers due to the dutiful dead.

She dragged her blade back from his grasp as he moved to clasp it with his fingers. It left deep cuts but already she saw threads of light knitting his wounds back together. This was…  unforeseen, unplanned for.
Indeed, there is a funeral, held by the fleet; with two Warmasters in attendance, as much of the Admiralty as are in striking distance and every sailor who can pack into Polarnus’ chapels and hangars to listen to the names of the lost vessels be read aloud; commended to the Emperor; and consigned at last to the rolls of history.

A complication - the mission was compromised, the target had foreseen her.
She pirouetted sweeping the legs of the Templar at the Apostate’s side, and vanishing into the crowd, taking another shape as she did.
Grulge watched the figure flee and vanish. Raising his hand to stay his personal guard, “No, let her go to her Masters, let her relay the miracle she has seen today, let them know that we are blessed by Him….”
Roan was too in shock to do anything, breathing out under their breath, “The Emperor Protects…”
Grulge’s cold blue eyes turned to them, “We will discuss the failings of the Chantry Guard to allow an assassin so close to me another time…” the Archimandrite growled low and beneath his breath, raising his voice as he turned to the petitioners, “Faithful! Heed me, that the Emperor Protects! He preserves me from the blades of those who would seek to deny the True their right to rule His Imperium!”
He paused and allowed them to murmur and recover from their shock before the first ecstatic cries ripped through the crowd at this miracle he had performed,the cry ‘The Emperor Protects’ chanted again and again.
Archimandrite Ignatius Grulge, Primate of Prosperitas, Guardian of the True Faith, Head of the Temple… simply smiled, and bathed in their ecstatic exclamations.''
=== Gazetteer VII - The Heresiarch ===
Much has changed in the Prosperitas Sector since Cardinal-Emissiarius Grulge was stripped of his title and status within the Eccliesiarchy for his tyrannical rule and membership of a proscribed sect, the Temple of the Saviour Emperor. But some will say that his rivals moved too fast, and didn’t wait for their forces to be properly aligned before they moved against the Cardinal. With the forces of the Fidelis Militia (now openly operating as the Fidelis Templar) at his side, Ignaitus Grulge  has abandoned all trappings of the Ecclesiarchy and chosen to openly demonstrate his faith as Archimandrite of the Temple.
The Ecclesiarchy and Ordo Hereticus however have a more derogatory title for him…  Heresiarch, mocking his ambitions to be an alternative leader to the Ecclesiarch on Terra.
With the slaughter of those members of the Priesthood still loyal to the Ecclesiarchy at Agrial III, the Temple of the Saviour Emperor now controls both Shrineworlds of the Sector and the seminary of St. Sebastians Redoubt. They are the largest spiritual authority, and, while the Ordo Hereticus has finally been shaken out of its caution about confronting the Temple. It cannot be said that other Imperial institutions share their enthusiasm for purging the theocratic sect. Much to the frustration of the Holy Ordos the Imperial institutions of the Sector are focused solely upon the threat presented by the Archenemy, and are willing to deal with Grulge as an equal if it means that his forces protect the worlds of Subsector Secundus.
To make matters worse, the apparent demonstration of miraculous powers by the Heresiarch after his recovery of the bones of Saint Nafisa which had been taken by forces of the Archenemy along with her Storm Shield, the Rock of Prosperitas - has lent credence to his claim to have been guided in his path by the God-Emperor. Though the Temple is not so crass as to claim Grulge is a Living Saint yet, the words are never far off anyone's lips when discussing the miracles demonstrated by him. His survival of an attempt on his life by a Temple Assassin (welcome to being inducted to the higher ranks of the Inquisition you now know about these terrifying killers) has only aided the narrative the Temple wishes to forge.
Those loyal to the Ecclesiarchy rally on Gaudium and around the new Fortress-Monestary of the Order of His Sanguine Tears on Duroverum but some waver in their commitment in the face of these so-called miracles. Barring his miraculous survival the Heresiarch has demonstrated the abilities to heal the sick, and help the lame recover from crippling wounds.
The Ordo Hereticus is not so willing to believe such a ‘convenient’ intervention of the God-Emperor, as a Cardinal Grulge would have been tested extensively for psyker taint and has never demonstrated signs of spiritual corruption, either. Some believe that he may have used trickery and falsehoods to give the appearance of his gifts while others point out that Callum Gearwright was disbelieved for many years and yet seemingly verifiably demonstrated such powers.
We live in interesting times, it seems.
=== Wars of Purity ===
The Fidelis Templar are frightening in their fanatical willingness to commit atrocities in the name of the Temple of the Saviour Emperor. Prior to their destruction by loyal agents of the Imperium, Grulge had been maintaining stocks of chemical weapons intended to be unleashed on heretical forces such as the Ashen Cults and Red Hand with little care for the horrendous collateral damage they would have caused. Those denied, the Fidelis Templar have resorted to more traditional methods of the bullet and the flame to carry out their attacks.
Though the Fidelis Templar do target the forces of the Archenemy, they have turned their guns on members of the Ecclesiarchy, and have extensively targeted the newly arisen religious sect of the Gearwrights. They are much less tolerant towards Abhumans and Mutants, in turn - even being fanatical enough to attack Navis Nobilite enclaves where they have rampaged in their so-called 'purification' of territories now under the 'protection' of the Temple.
This has not always worked in their favour, for while poorly protected Abhuman slums make easy targets, an attempt by an Temple expedition to Shadowglow to ‘cow’ the Raivan population there in 595.M41 has led to the first significant and humiliating defeat for the Temple. Landing on the desert world, the Templars breached the Raivan subterranean settlements armed with flamers to burn the native abhumans out of their homes.
But they found nothing.

The Raivans, well accustomed to being hunted on their home turf after years of occupation by Archenemy mining guilds, simply faded into hidden tunnels and other passages until darkfall on their world.

As night fell, the human eyes of the Templars no longer benefitted from blazing light from the holes blown in the roofs of the Raivan cavern-settlements. That is when vengeful Raivan fighters descend upon the intruders. In one single night, the Raivans butchered the Templars down to a soldier, who they sent back - their hands cut off at the wrist - to deliver the message to the Heresiarch that the Raivans will not be cowed by the heretical Temple.
'''Meanwhile''' a casket stolen from the Inquisition - known as Objective PATIENCE - has been successfully returned to Inquisitor Inanna Zahid. What is to become of it or what it contains would be a question the brave might ask the Inquisitor themselves. After all - the worst that could happen is they might get an answer...

Latest revision as of 13:09, 6 August 2020

The Polarnus Nebula has begun to be cleared of debris, since the siege was broken; vast trawler vessels armed with the most powerful secrets of motive force and magnetism sweep the voidlanes for drifting mines and wreckage, clearing safe sailing routes for her vessels. There has been no great time pressure - until now. Without explanation, Admiral Chandier’s schedule for clearance of the voidlanes accelerated - providing a very firm deadline for when, exactly, the spinward jump corridor would be clear.

The vessels that jumped into that newly cleared-and-secured lane initially occasioned little notice. A Lunar cruiser group from Hydros Salient was a little out of her patrol range, but everyone in the fleet cycles through Polarnus eventually. Sola Fidei, Hydros Salient. Salvation’s Fire, Hydros Salient. Her escorts: Vixen, Purifying Flame, Golden Raptor, Pathfinder… Then - slightly different idents, but unmistakable flying in formation - some of them quietly familiar to those who were here after the siege of Polarnus, and saw another handful of vessels under very different colours. St Jaghatai’s Arrow. Seeker of Truth. Lord’s Confidence. Storm Chaser.

In the middle of the pack, a light cruiser - a light cruiser, central to the formation as if the vast twin Lunars were her escorts; diminutive, slender, battered beyond belief, with almost no paint on her hull and drives held on with crooked weld-lines and prayer. The Lex Talionis: flying the fleet colours of Warmaster Ulian. And then behind them - breaching warp in the grip of three jump-tenders - the vast bulk of an Emperor-class battleship, gliding serenely between her escorts; almost no power in her drives, clearly open to void down much of her length - but with enough lights to give her name - the Lion of Terra.

The sailors sent sprinting to warn this dignitary or that of this development were mostly met by confusion and consternation and the sudden flurry of preparation for great events - save in three very specific quarters. Admiral Denita Chandier raised an eyebrow at the aide who breathlessly reported in and glanced at the clock to check their timing, before rising to put on the dress uniform coat hanging ready to one side. In the Omega-levels of the restored Blacksite, Inquisitor-Militant Corvinus gestured the agent delivering the report back out almost as soon as they had opened their mouth, already mid-call to his Interrogators aboard the impromptu escort fleet. And on her bridge, Warmaster Khan leaned forward a little, the piercing eyes of her flagship’s augurs turned to confirming every last scrap of ident code and authorisation bleeding off the ships just now entering her firing arcs.

By the time the Lex entered dock, appropriate crowds had been assembled from the sailors and guard aboard the station - the ones who had been issued dress kit and marshalled to polish it to a shine or found their duties overturned in favour of parade drills in the handful of days before. The more presentable civilians had been turned out as well, providing a crowd for the holo-audiences at home to identify with, the Officio Propogandae working at full pelt to corral and prompt them for the cameras as they waited.

The roar of engines, at last; an Aquila lander, newly painted in Imperial purple and with her gold wing-tips burnished to a shine, detached from the ship’s vast bulk and entered the bay, setting down with perfect precision in front of the gathered ranks of the Imperial forces. The ramp extended, and out stepped a small, slightly stooped man - the kind might call him spry - in a very, very old-fashioned uniform. The deafening sound of the fanfare echoing through the chamber, the stamp of thousands of boots coming to attention - one might expect such a fragile figure to jump.

Instead, his back straightened, and with a slight smile he returned the salute of the guards who had hurried forward to the base of the ramp.

“I’ve always liked coming back to Polarnus,” he chuckled to one of them, who all but swallowed his tongue in working out how to respond - and then the man in a Warmaster’s dress blues was past him. A grey-haired aide, sharp-eyed and with one shoulder still bandaged, stepped forward to take the old man’s cane as he, thoughtful, handed it off, checking his steadiness and concluding he did not need it; another assistant, in a pilot’s uniform, murmured something to draw his attention to the welcoming party across the bay. They followed at his heels as he set off down the wide corridor left between the welcoming regiments, as the figure on the large screens was recognised by the crowds and the cheering began.

Four figures served as an honour guard, forming a neat box around the old man and his two assistants, as he made his way, smiling, past the crowd; two Captains and two Flag-Captains in Naval blue, falling back to form a tidy line at attention when the Warmaster reached the last flight of steps and climbed onto the dais to meet the Warmaster waiting there, flanked by the station’s commander and the brooding figure of the Inquisitor-Militant. Quite what the old man said to Sarina Khan as he offered her a salute was lost in the roar of the crowd; but it brought a brief smile to her lips as she returned the compliment, and then - with great ceremony - offered the old Warmaster an arm to escort him safely to the command decks of the station.


The Sister Pronatus sat back on her heels, hissing under her breath; stood and backed carefully away from the casket sitting in the centre of the concentric rings of salt and silver banding the room. She did not take her eyes off the thing, even when she half-turned her body to press a fist to her heart in salute to the shadow that waited in the doorway.

“The wards are - intact, Inquisitor. Some are broken, but something - and from the number of scratches I can guess at what - did its best to look as if it had been breaching the containment, without actually doing so.”

“Presumably to try and ensure someone would open the box to check.” A hiss and click of valves punctuated the statement, the voice buzzing with the static of synthesis. “But we are clear that it was kept secure?”

“Yes, Inquisitor. The locks are undamaged, and the tamper-proofing indicates it was not handled unduly; well within parameters; primarily touched by known acolytes and agents.” “Good. Do what you can to stabilise it further.” Another brief, staticky pause. “Without touching it. And no-one - no-one - is to enter this chamber alone.”

“Your will, Inquisitor.” The Sister listened to the soft hum of grav-impellers departing and squared her shoulders, baring her teeth at the inert sarcophagus she still had not taken her eyes from.

Gazetteer VIII - The Old Warmaster

Warmaster Dragos Ulian - lost during the Lash of the Eye that destroyed Subsector Tenebris centuries ago - has been found, miraculously returned from the Warp alongside his flagship. Credit has gone largely to the Imperial Navy, whose expedition against a notorious pirate stronghold led to his recovery - but the Inquisitor-Militant’s presence at the welcome plus the well-oiled fleet rumour mill have made clear to keen-eyed observers that the Inquisition’s guiding hand played a role.

The sailors and veterans who escorted the Warmaster home - Alexis Jacobin, Rijeka Aden, Kavi Monroe, Charon Di Firro, Francis Pyke and Lance Durovera - have briefly been inundated with the attention of the Officio Propogandae in relation to the man who has now been acknowledged as the Sector’s Warmaster-Emeritus, and settled in to act as an advisor, morale ambassador, and - the politically minded may note - lack of threat to the new-minted Warmaster Sarina Khan.

The news of Ulian’s return has energised the Crusade - very specifically and most of all, the Imperial Navy. The rescue of a sailor lost so long at Warp is a miracle beyond reckoning to the Battlefleet; all the moreso that those who recovered him brought home not only his ship, but the names of hundreds of vessels now confirmed to have died in the Lash of the Eye, painstakingly logged by the Lex Talionis and reported to fleet command. In the religious views of Battlefleet Prosperitas, that means they are no longer ‘still on patrol’; they - and all the souls lost aboard them - can be given funerals and accorded the honours and prayers due to the dutiful dead.

Indeed, there is a funeral, held by the fleet; with two Warmasters in attendance, as much of the Admiralty as are in striking distance and every sailor who can pack into Polarnus’ chapels and hangars to listen to the names of the lost vessels be read aloud; commended to the Emperor; and consigned at last to the rolls of history.

Meanwhile a casket stolen from the Inquisition - known as Objective PATIENCE - has been successfully returned to Inquisitor Inanna Zahid. What is to become of it or what it contains would be a question the brave might ask the Inquisitor themselves. After all - the worst that could happen is they might get an answer...