Technoarcana of the Ordo Myrmidon
The Myrmidon sect are considered brash and boorish amongst a Machine Cult that divests itself of emotion - they are the Order dedicated to worship of firepower in its raw form they worship the Gun as the most divine expression of the Omnissia-as-Destructor fusing themselves into weapons platforms for their favoured weaponry making them some of the Machine Cults most fearsome Priests Militant.
To be inducted into this Ordo a character must have the Weapon of Old Night trait - the majority of powers of the Ordo Myrmidon revolve access to heavier and more devastating examples of these weapons.
Martian Device - Antigua Scorpii
Upon induction into the Myrmidon order a Tech-Priest must choose to join one of two sub-sects — that of the Destructor (if they choose to focus on Heavy Weapons), or that of the Secutor (if they choose to focus on Special Weapons). Upon their full initiation into the cult, they will be presented with one of the ancient Antigua Scorpii, the artefact weapons of the cult.
Ammunition for these weapons is rare and unusual, as such you expend Esoterica to use them rather than Ammunition.
Heavier versions of the more ubiquitous lascutter, used across the Imperium as an industrial device and military breaching tool, the las-impeller is designed to be operated by heavy servitor constructs or workers operating outside of gravity where its sweeping beams can be used to cut sections of hull plating to size for Imperial warships.
- At targets over 5-metres away the Las-impeller may be swept from side to side allowing you to call Dakka at a rate of once-per-second up to ten times in a single burst of fire, after which you must spend five seconds reloading your weapon. However you only consume Esoterica every two reloads.
- At targets under 5-metres away the Las-impeller may call Bolt reloading every 10 shots.
In addition you may push the Las-impeller;
- You may spend 15s charging the impeller and expend a Esoterica to make a single call of Sunder at a target that is under 5-metres away from you. The call Sunder may only be used once, regardless of how many sources of it you have, before you have to Recuperate.
Curse: Las-impeller cells are prone to becoming charged and discharging into their user whenever you Reload you take the Haywire effect.
Conversion Beamer
Rare in much of the Imperium, the Destructor cults of the Prosperitas Sector have obtained a number of these arcane weapons though trade with the Squat enclaves that occasionally pass through the sector. Arcane weapons that use focused antimatter beams to induct subatomic explosions at the point at which they strike the target. These beams collect more energy the further they travel making them far more dangerous at distant ranges then they are up close.
- At targets over 10-metres away you may call Boom; at targets under 10-meters away you may call Bolt Knockback - this weapon reloads every 5 shots it makes.
In addition you may push the conversion beamer;
- You may expend a Esoterica to make a single call of Sunder after spending 10s aiming at a target over 10-metres away and not moving. The call Sunder may only be used 'once, regardless of how many sources of it you have, before you have to Recuperate.
Curse: Antimatter cells are incredibly dangerous to handle and a damaged one can be lethal - the next time you Reload, call Boom centred on yourself as the cell detonates.
Rites Repulsor
After 10,000 years, the Ordo Myrmidon are free to unleash charged graviton weapons upon their foes, using enhanced forms of Omnissian Axes, as well as less traditional Maul-like weapons - along with graviton charges - the Ordo are line-breakers of a premier order.
- You may use inbuilt point defence Weapons to call Rend or Knockback at targets within 5-metres - you may use this five times after which you cannot use this again until you have Recuperated
In addition you may push to:
- Spend 10s unmoving and channeling the energies you regain your use of the above abilities as if you had Recuperated - you may do this multiple times but must spend a Esoterica or count as pushing again every time.
- You may hammer your foot into the ground and expend a Esoterica to call Mass Knockback - you must Recuperate before you can do this again.
Curse: Your graviton cells detonate call Boom centered on (and affecting) yourself next time you attempt to use one of these abilities.
Rites Defensor
It is said of the Myrmidon Cult that their beliefs in defense are that nothing is greater then a strong offense - never is this more obvious then when they advance into the thick of battle ancient weapons blazing, with all manner of shaped charges strapped to the outer layers of their armoured forms that they can detonate to clear a path through their foes.
You may expend a Esoterica to call one of the following centered on yourself;
- Frag-Charge: Call Boom
- Tox-gas: Call Mass Weaken
- Lectro-charge: Call Mass Haywire
You are protected from these effects.
Curse: You are not protected from these effects.
In addition to the standard triggers for power checks a Myrmidon must also do a power check for every time they move faster than a slow walk - their ancient weapons are often quite decrepit and dangerous if jostled too vigorously. Each of the Rites and Martian Devices above have their own unique curses.