Recuperation and Observances
Recuperation allows characters to recover Endurance, as well as to refresh the use of some skills and calls.
This is a ten minute rest where the character roleplays recovering: this includes resting, drinking water, and having a Medicae check over the minor injuries and strain of the physical efforts they’ve expended.
A character cannot Recuperate if combat is ongoing nearby or they are Bloodied or have untreated Complications from a Triage check.
Some temporary positive effects, such as those granted by the use of the Exhorter trait, wear off when a character has Recuperated.
The call Sunder may only be used Once, regardless of how many sources of it you may have, before you have to Recuperate.
Performing Observances allows characters to recover Willpower.
This is the act of spending ten minutes resting, praying, or otherwise looking to their spiritual health while on Hallowed Ground.
Hallowed Ground is a specific in-game area that will be identified by the Game Team.
A character cannot perform Observances if combat is ongoing nearby or they are Bloodied or have untreated Complications.
See Also